
Transitional safeguarding - adolescence to adulthood: Strategic Briefing (2018)

Published: 01/08/2018

Author: Holmes D, Smale E


In recent years, safeguarding children and adults has become increasingly complex. Sector leaders in social care note that sexual exploitation, gangs and violent crime - including domestic violence and abuse, modern slavery and trafficking - are challenging the children’s and adults’ workforce to reflect on established models of safeguarding and identify opportunities for innovation.

Safeguarding is a field where binary notions of childhood and adulthood have prevailed; as such the notion of ‘transitional safeguarding’ is an emerging one, not currently widely applied in policy or practice.

Professional Standards

PQS:KSS - Influencing and governing practice excellence within the organisation and community | Safeguarding | Direct work with individuals and families

CQC - Caring | Safe

PCF - Values and ethics | Diversity and equality

RCOT - Communication | Identify needs

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