Supporting contact for children who are adopted, fostered or in kinship care
Supporting contact for children who are adopted, fostered or in kinship care
The extent to which children and young people growing up in adoption, fostering or kinship care are supported to keep in touch safely with birth relatives and other important people from their past has lifelong implications for everyone involved.
Join a workshop that will explore planning, reviewing and supporting contact for children who are adopted, fostered or in kinship care.
Building on resources developed for the Staying in touch: Contact after adoption hub, this workshop will be interactive and provide space for discussion, using a mix of case studies, tools, films and other media. The session will focus on:
- The key stages of planning contact.
- Developing contact plans.
- Consideration of different types of contact.
- Supporting contact in the short and long-term.
- Challenges and enablers to maintaining contact
The workshop is aimed at social workers, those who support and supervise visits and letter exchange, independent reviewing officers, support workers, children’s guardians and therapists who work with children and their families.
Audience Types
Senior practitioners
Social workers
Professional Standards
PQS:KSS - Relationships and effective direct work | Purposeful and effective social work
PCF - Intervention and skills
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