Archived resources

An archive of resources to support required learning, including full analysis reports, briefings, videos, recorded webinars, slide presentations and more.


The NSPCC website includes a case reviews area which contains:

  • The national case review repository | NSPCC Learning: The repository was launched in 2013 to provide a single place for published case reviews, including serious case reviews, thematic analysis reports and case reviews published anonymously on behalf of Safeguarding Children Partnerships.

  • Thematic briefings: Briefings highlighting the learning from SCRs, pulling together key risk factors and practice recommendations.

  • Recently published case reviews | NSPCC Learning: A list of the executive summaries or full overview reports of serious case reviews, significant case reviews or multi-agency child practice reviews published 2017-2021. Earlier reports and summaries are available, see published research reports.

  • Outputs from Serious Case Reviews: Learning into Practice Project (LiPP) – SCIE: Funded by the Department of Education Innovation Fund. Over 2015, NSPCC and the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) piloted ways to improve the quality of SCRs and use the learning to improve practice. Outputs include:
    • Inter-professional communication and its impact upon decision making - NSPCC and SCIE looked at 38 SCRs (published May 2014 -April 2015) and identified 44 practice issues relating to communication and decision making. They produced a mapping document giving an overview of the practice issues and 14 briefings that look at some of these issues in more detail. 

    • Serious Case Review Quality Markers - 18 Quality Markers to help support commissioners and reviewers to commission and conduct high quality reviews. They provide a consistent and robust approach to SCRs by covering the whole process from setting up to running the review, to looking at outputs and outcomes from the review.

Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel (CSPRP)

The CSPRP website includes the Panel's news; practice reviews and reports; guidance and regulations; and research and statistics.